Nightshade: A SimLit | Chapter 14: Saying Goodbye

Six Years Later...

The whole family gathered to mourn the loss of the late Elliott and Elizabeth Emmons, and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. 

"I wish my parents could have stayed with me forever, Aubrey..." Elias muttered to his wife. 

"I've only been a part of the family for four years, Elias," Aubrey replied, blinking back tears. "But I know your parents were great people. I'm so sorry..."

Claire, their young daughter, was confused by all of the sadness. She remained silent, but frowned at her father. She didn't understand why everyone was crying...

Amelia approached her grandmother's coffin. She was devastated, and the memories of all the years she'd spent with both of her grandparents were all flooding into her mind. "I'm going to miss you so much," she whispered.

As the adults began to converse quietly among themselves, Alexander approached his sister. "Are you okay, Amelia?" he asked, wiping a tear from his eye. "I know this is hard... it's hard for all of us..."

"I just... I can't imagine my life without grandma and grandpa." Amelia sighed. 

"I know," Alexander replied.

"I loved them so much, Alexander. I know all of us did, and they loved us..." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "And they loved Onyx. I know he loved them, too. I was so grateful for that..."

"I'm going to miss them, too, Amelia. I loved them more than anything, but... maybe they're in a better place now, y'know? Together." 

She smiled softly. "I think so too."

"I bet they're having fun up there," he chuckled. "Probably still just as in love as they were here. Y'know, with all the kissing and-"

Amelia interrupted. "Yes, I bet they are."

Later that night, Amelia stood on the balcony, waiting for Onyx. 'I'm in my pajamas, my eyes are red and puffy from crying... what am I thinking? I'm in a hot mess...' she thought, suddenly worrying about her appearance. 'Maybe I should just go back inside... but, who wouldn't look this bad after a death in the family? I guess no one looks like a supermodel after that...'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden noise behind her. Startled, she turned to look over her shoulder. Her eyes widened as a cloud of black smoke appeared behind her. 

"Amelia," a familiar voice spoke.

Amelia relaxed. "Onyx?"

She turned to face him, shocked. "You finally manifested your bat form!" She exclaimed. "That's so cool!"

He smiled. "Yeah, I just found that out earlier today. Mom keeps calling me a 'late bloomer', because I still haven't gotten all of my vampire powers... or my thirst," he said. "But hey, at least that's something!"

Amelia smiled, but there was a deep sadness in her eyes.

"You look beautiful tonight, by the way," he said, trying to cheer her up.

"...Onyx, really?" Amelia blushed a little, but frowned. "I look like a total wreck."

Onyx's smile faded, and his expression softened. "No, you don't." He paused. "How... how did the funeral go?"

Her eyes filled with tears. "It... um..." Her voice was shaky, and she could barely form words. "...Sorry..."

Onyx wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Hey, it's okay... I'm here for you."

She sobbed  into his shoulder. "I already miss them so much. It's going to be so different without them here..."

"I know it hurts, Amelia. But they wouldn't want you to be sad. Maybe you'll see them again someday... right?"

 "I know I'll see them... someday... but I don't want to think about dying..."

Onyx's heart sank at the mention of her death. He knew it would come eventually, as she was mortal, but the thought was too much for him. "I don't want to think about you dying, either..."

She closed her eyes, comforted by his embrace. Slowly, her sobs got quieter, and they finally parted from each other, 

"Do you feel better now...?" Onyx asked, sitting down on the bench.

She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Y-Yeah... thank you..." she walked over and sat beside him. "It's just... everything is so overwhelming right now," she said. "With school, and a toddler running around the house, and trying to deal with their death..."

"I understand," he replied. "I wish there was something I could do to help. But... I'm with you every step of the way."

Amelia managed to smile. "Thank you. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for, Onyx."

"You're the best friend anyone could ask for, too." Onyx smiled.

Things grew silent for a few moments, and Amelia shivered in the freezing cold air.

He noticed and stood up from the bench, feeling a little cold himself. "Hey, it's really cold out tonight... you need to go back inside where it's warm," he said. "I don't want you to get sick or anything."

"I know, but I want to stay out here with you..."

"I want to stay with you, too. But I'll be back tomorrow night, as usual, okay?" 

"Alright. See you then..." 

"But before I go..." Onyx began, reaching for Amelia's hands. Their eyes met, and he smiled. "I just want you to know that everything's going to be okay. Things will get better, I promise."

Amelia shivered, not because of the cold air, but because of the sensation that his touch sent through her body. "I don't know what I would do without you..."

Onyx's smile widened. "I will always be here for you, Amelia. I'd be lost without you."

They gazed into each other's eyes, until he finally let go of her hands and turned to leave.

"Goodnight, Onyx." Amelia said softly.

"Goodnight." Onyx replied, giving her one last glance before he transformed into a bat and flew away into the darkness of the night.


  1. Oh, wow.... that's a lot of time to just flash by! And Onyx and Amelia are good looking folks!

    1. Yes, it's quite the timeskip! But I had no other way of handling it, since sims magically go from 10 year olds to fully grown in a split second when they age up.

  2. Oh wow I knew you could have weddings in game but i didnt realize you could have funerals too! Also, love how the kids grew up, they look great!

    Funny, Onyx looks just like my character Caleb Vatore in my current story. If you haven't checked it out, please find it here:

  3. Woah last episode was all fun and happy kiddy love and this one opens up with the dead grandparents :( Way to toy with my feelings! Loving this story, though <3

  4. THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! I love them. <3 And am actually so sad about the grandparents... they were absolute sweethearts. I feel bad for Amelia. Was so excited to see them as teens for the first time!! I loved following their childhood and reading their childhood banter and their innocence, but I have to admit I just can't WAIT for them to develop their romance... they're just so good for each other, and they need to be together like asap. ^^ LOL, kidding, but I really do love them.

    1. Hey, they can't be kids forever, they have a very very looooong way to go in life... and I think the romance development is a bit more exciting than, say, a hundred chapters of childhood banter constantly teasing you about romance but them being too young to understand. LOL!

    2. LOL that's very true


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