Orion listened keenly as they continued the song, not minding that they weren't by any means astonishing singers, and fetched his wallet from his pocket, hastily digging through it for spare cash that he still had left. Rather than a predictable simoleon or two, he tossed several wadded-up twenties into the bucket, and either the surprise that he was an alien or the fact he made a generous donation provoked them to stop mid-verse, then sputter out surprised "thank yous" and "happy holidays."
"You're welcome, and happy holidays," he replied with a smile, then picked up his pace to get to the car before he came across anyone else. He tugged the collar of his turtleneck sweater higher to obscure his face, partly because he was cold and partly because he was becoming progressively paranoid about being spotted. It was a relief when he sat down in the driver's seat and turned on the heat, which felt as though it was thawing his icy cheeks, and he was more than eager to get home and crash in bed despite his excitement for tomorrow. Fortunately, the trip back to the apartment complex was a brief one, and when he arrived he barely managed to jab the key into the lock and drag himself inside.

Orion dropped the gift bag onto the tree skirt and leisurely plopped on the sofa with a sigh. For a few moments, he rested there and stared at the tree lights glistening, illuminating the baubles and ornaments hanging off of its branches. Outside, the snow was picking up to a heavy, steady downfall, painting every remaining bare inch of the landscape in white. The scenery was serene, and he would have drifted off if not for the doorbell abruptly ringing. Questioning who would be coming over unannounced at this hour, he went to answer the door, and was pleasantly surprised by his visitors. Before he could say anything, they made their way into the house with excitedly smiling faces.
"Merry Christmas, Orion!"
He lit up brighter than the tree lights at the sight of his company as they closed the door behind them. "What are you guys doing here? I didn't know you were coming over...!"
"Well, we wanted to surprise you," Onyx said. "Besides, we needed to bring over your gifts."
"G-Gifts? You really didn't have to..." Orion smiled. "But I have something for you, too. I planned on coming to see you tomorrow."
Alexander chuckled. "Guess we beat you to it."
"Guess so," Orion responded, then turned to face Amelia. "I'm so glad you're all here... and that you brought Kiera with you. I've been really excited to meet her."
Kiera made an eager noise in response, and Amelia smiled warmly. "I think she's excited to meet you, too. Do you want to hold her?"
"Can I?" His smile broadened. "I would love to..."
"Of course you can." Amelia gingerly held the baby out to him. "Just be careful, she bites and her baby fangs are really sharp."
Orion giggled. "Bites? Aww, but she's so cute. She isn't gonna bite me, I'm sure."
"That's what they all say," Alexander grumbled behind them.
Kiera was beaming as he gently took her into his arms, but she couldn't have looked any more delighted than he did. Upon closer scrutiny, he concluded that she really didn't resemble Onyx at all, but she was the spitting image of her mother. "Wow, Amelia, she looks just like you..."
"Everyone says that," Onyx groaned, interrupting before she could respond. "There has to be something about her that looks like me. Right?"
Orion inspected her features, then nodded. "Her fangs are just as pointy as yours."
Onyx let out an embittered sigh. "That's really the best you've got?"
"I dunno, Onyx, I'm starting to think you should get a paternity test," Alexander jokingly suggested.
"Don't even start, Alexander. I'm a trillion percent confident that she's his daughter." Amelia laughed. "If someone else is her father, I'm going to have some serious questions."
"Yeah, so will I," Onyx added, shooting her an impish glare.
"I hate to interrupt your paternity discussion, but... can I hold her for a while?" Orion's pleading eyes met Amelia's, making it unimaginable for her to refuse. He hadn't really been around babies since Rocket and Meteor were this age, and he doubtlessly missed them, considering the fact that they hadn't had anything to do with him since his divorce. Regardless of his reasoning, he certainly didn't seem to want to give her back.
"Yeah, sure," she smiled. "Onyx and I are tired of carrying her around all the time anyway."
Orion chuckled. "I can imagine. Why don't you make yourselves at home? Go sit down, there's no need to stand here the whole time."
The three nodded and found a seat in the living area, and he followed, holding Kiera close as he walked.

"So," Amelia began, leaning against Onyx, "how have you been recently? We've been meaning to keep in touch with you more than we've gotten to since you moved out, but... things got hectic fast, and--"
"Stop, I already know you're going to try to apologize. It's fine, I've been really busy too." Orion smiled. "I'm... I'm improving, and that's a good thing."
Amelia nodded. "So therapy's been working out for you?"
"That and the medications the psychiatrist prescribed for my anxiety and depression." He sighed softly. "It's been kind of a long road, with a few setbacks along the way," he paused, remembering his encounter with Tiffany -- which he hadn't yet mentioned to them, "but with all the help I'm getting, I think I'm finally starting to feel... okay."
"That's wonderful to hear," Onyx said. "But... if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by setbacks?"
Orion pursed his lips tightly together. "...there was this one time when I was out with some friends that Tiffany showed up and caused a scene, but-"
"What?" Amelia cut him off. The fury was already detectable in the tone of her voice. "What did she do? She didn't hurt you or your friends, did she?"
"No, actually, I... I kind of stood up to her." He paused momentarily. "...After that, I left and went home. I was in a pretty bad place mentally, but Skylar came over and--"
"Who's Skylar?" Amelia curiously interjected. "A new friend of yours? You've never mentioned them before."
"Oh, um..." Orion smiled sheepishly. "She's a friend from work."
"A friend from work, huh?" Alexander smirked. "I hope you realize it's totally abnormal for your lady friend that you only know on a work basis to come over to your house... alone."
"W-What?" Orion blushed. "We're not doing anything abnormal!"
"Come on, don't be embarrassed. Just admit you're bedding her."
"I am not that kind of guy--"
"Alexander," Onyx interrupted, "I really don't think you have any room to talk about this subject."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Alexander said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
Orion's eyebrows raised. "I know I'll regret being curious, but I am."
"Oh, it's nothing, really," Amelia said nonchalantly, "just that he's been "bedding" an alien girl we didn't know about--"
"Shut up! I'm sure you guys don't want to know about all the girls I mess around with, okay?" Alexander retorted, his face turning red with embarrassment.
"--and now he's pregnant," she finished.
Orion didn't know what he was expecting to hear, but it wasn't that. Uncertain of how to react or respond, he glanced down at Kiera, who somehow looked just as speechless as he was. Perhaps that was because she was too young to talk.
Nevertheless, this was shaping up to be a particularly absurd holiday.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end of the line sounded groggy, presumably because eleven o'clock wasn't a justifiable hour of the night for someone to be calling.
Skylar almost regretted calling when she noticed how fatigued he sounded. "Hey, Orion... I'm really sorry if I woke you up. I know it's late, but I was wondering--"
"No, no, it's fine," Orion interrupted, "I wasn't asleep yet anyway... what is it?"
"Well, um..." She hesitated. "I'm going out to Center Park to see the Christmas display. I wanted to know if you were interested in coming along? I'd really love for you to..."
He couldn't say no to her. "Of course I am. I'll meet you there in about fifteen minutes?"
"Really? Okay, I'll be there."
"Sounds great." He could hear her excitement through the phone. As he hung up, he headed for the door and grabbed his coat and mittens, quickly getting dressed for the near blizzard outside.

The lights in San Myshuno's center park were indescribably breathtaking against the backdrop of the metropolis. Strands of them dangled in every possible location, stretched across beams or hung on walls and twisted in the limbs of trees. The venue was covered in vibrant garlands and wreaths, and at the very heart of it all was a grand Christmas tree, topped with a glowing star and lit up with what was likely thousands of bulbs, then draped in scarlet silk ribbons and decked with glossy ornaments. Snow blanketed every surface it could access, only adding to the elegance of the landscape. It was like a scene from a movie, making Christmas even more magical than it already was.

Orion was mesmerized as he walked through the entrance. He didn't ever go out much unless he had to, above all not to densely inhabited areas like the center park, so he'd never seen the light display up close. For once, the place was vacant, and he was glad he didn't have to bother disguising himself again. Besides, he'd rather it be just the two of them -- large crowds made him nervous.
His pace was slow, and he almost forgot all about his initial reason for being here as he soaked in his surroundings. He'd learned to value the little moments like this; the ones that sent uncharacteristically enlivening feelings through his veins, the ones that made him feel alive in ways he hadn't before. Tonight would fill him with those feelings.
His attention was immediately turned to the source of his name being called.
Skylar stood a short distance from him, in front of the tree, looking over her shoulder. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Suddenly, he didn't comprehend what she meant. He no longer saw the scene around them that he'd considered magnificent only moments ago. He saw her eyes twinkling underneath the moonlight, illuminated like stars against a dark night sky. He saw the snowflakes landing on her skin as they fell, dancing through the breeze that blew her somewhat disheveled hair in every direction. He saw her tender smile, the way she shined more radiantly than every light that surrounded her, the way that she gazed at him with unadulterated adoration.
Orion saw her, and she was beautiful.
He slowly approached her. "Yeah, it is... I'm glad you invited me to come here with you."
"I'm glad I did, too..." Her cheeks blushed in a deep crimson color, maybe from the cold, but perhaps another reason. "I know it sounds silly, but... I think it wouldn't be as amazing without you."
It was his turn to blush. "R-Really? Well... I-I..."
"Hey, you're shivering," Skylar cut him off with concern. "Are you cold?"
Orion hadn't even noticed, but he wrapped his arms around himself once she mentioned it, abruptly recognizing how cold it was. "Y-Yeah, actually... it's freezing out here."
"Then let's warm you up..." Moving nearer, she reached out to place her hands on his arms, then began gently rubbing up and down to generate heat.
He was tense at first. It wasn't often that he was truly comfortable with people touching him beyond a handshake or a hug -- trauma worked in stupid ways like that -- but for once, his tension was melting away into the warmth of her hands.
Their eyes met.
"Is that better?" Skylar smiled and trailed her hands down toward his.
"I-I..." Orion's heart threatened to flutter right out of his chest. The longer his eyes stayed locked onto hers, the more it felt as though nothing else in the whole world mattered. "...I think it would be better if you were closer..."
Despite being taken aback by his request, she didn't even think of not obliging. Her hands lost their grip on his and instead found their way to his waist, pressing his body close against hers.
"I think you're right," she whispered.
His lips curved upward into a smile. Being cold was no longer an issue; his entire body felt like it was lit ablaze. The feeling started deep in his chest and slowly radiated beyond it, accelerating his heart to a rapid speed. Although his eyes were closed, he could sense that their faces were mere inches apart, so close that her breath was tickling his skin. Deep down, he didn't want the moment to end, despite how many times he'd sworn to himself that he wouldn't allow his heart to be broken again, that he'd never give into tempting emotions.
But it was too late for him.
"Skylar," he quietly began, "I..."
Before Orion could get any further, the loud chiming of a clock resounded through the air, declaring that it was midnight -- and officially Christmas. The noise startled him at first and he pulled slightly away from her, but smiled when he realized what it meant.
Skylar's hand gently hooked underneath his chin, tilting it upward to guide their eyes to meet. "Merry Christmas," she quietly said.
His arms wrapped themselves tightly around her in a hug as he beamed up at her. Perhaps the enamored feelings that imbued his heart were ridiculous to assume to be anything more than the result of uncontrolled, fleeting emotions. After all, no one had ever treated him quite the way that Skylar did; it was normal to be confused by the signals she sent, wasn't it? Despite the butterflies in his stomach, he knew that they were just good friends. And that was more valuable to him than anything. "Merry Christmas, Skylar..."
The snow showed no intentions of letting up as the night progressed. The city never slept, but for once, it was peaceful; or maybe something just made it feel that way. There was only silence San Myshuno, aside from distant humming of a few cars down below on the streets... and the faint jingle of sleigh bells.
Orion was too deep into his slumber to notice the peculiar sound. He didn't usually sleep so soundly, and unfortunately, he wouldn't get to continue to.
Click, click, click...
He stirred slightly due to the noise, somewhat akin to a bunch of cows tapdancing on the roof. His apartment was on the top floor, so it couldn't have been an upstairs neighbor.
Whatever the source of the noise was, it was now apparently in his apartment. His eyes flew open and he sat up quickly, nervous to be in his dimly lit room, alone with... whatever else was here. It wasn't possible to think clearly while being so tired, so regardless of how much of him screamed not to investigate the noise, he decided to anyway. Silently, he prowled toward his bedroom door, cringing when it creaked as it opened.
Silence. The noise was gone, but there was a looming feeling in the atmosphere, as though someone was there. It only fueled his internal panic. Was it a robber? Tiffany? A giant carnivorous rat?
His worries were laid to rest when he peered around the corner.
An old man, cloaked in red with snow-white hair and a beard, was calmly placing gifts underneath the tree. Orion blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes, at first convinced that he must have been dreaming, but the man was still there. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Santa -- he did, and most supernaturals had the mutual knowledge that he was indeed just as real as they were, but he had certainly never met him before.
"Orion Star," Santa began without so much as turning in his direction, "I know you're standing there. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
He froze. "Y-You know my name?"
"Of course I do. You're at the top of the nice list."
"...oh," Orion quietly replied, hesitantly beginning to approach. "I-I didn't mean to sneak up on you, sir... I just heard a noise and thought you might have been... someone else."
"Certainly a true believer like you would have known I'd be coming to visit," Santa chuckled, finally turning to him. "Don't you know I always visit people who have faith in my existence? In fact, they're the only ones that can see me... and the only ones that receive gifts."
"W-Well, I'm really glad you came," Orion began, smiling softly, "but I really don't need anything..."
"Oh, but you do. I've come to deliver something very important to you."
"Something very important?" He frowned, but his voice suggested a childlike curiosity. "What is it?"
Santa chuckled. "I see that you can't wait to find out when you open it."
"Sorry," Orion laughed. "I'm just wondering..."
"Alright, fine," Santa sighed. "It is the most important gift you will ever receive. It is the answer you seek, yet you have already found. It has been decided by fate and written in the stars."
His eyebrows furrowed at the cryptic description. "What do you mean?"
"Open it, and you'll understand."
The gift box that Santa held out to him was reasonably sized, wrapped in green paper featuring an intricate design, and topped with a neatly tied white ribbon. He delicately took it, careful to keep in mind that it could be fragile, although at this point it was starting to sound like a box full of abstract concepts.
Orion looked down at the box, then back to Santa. "...thank you. Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll really appreciate it."
"But this gift isn't really from me. It's from someone else."
The riddles were beginning to get frustrating. "I don't understand--"
"What are you waiting for?" Santa asked. "Open it and see."
There was anticipation mixed with hesitation. Without a word, he began to raise the lid, only for Santa to disappear as quickly as he'd come, with final words of wisdom echoing through the room:
"It is your purpose."
Orion's breath hitched when he peered inside the box, but things didn't become clear when he saw what was inside, only more confusing. He sighed and carefully removed the object inside, placing it on the coffee table and sitting across from it on the couch.
A snowglobe. His brain searched for every possible explanation. How could it have anything to do with fate or purpose? What kinds of answers could a hunk of glass possibly give him? He reached out and picked it up, wound the small mechanism on the bottom, shook it a few times, and placed it back on the table. The miniature snowflakes whirled around inside the water-filled scene, falling on a tiny house and tiny trees, and a familiar Christmas tune played like a lulling music box. It was a strangely captivating sight, but what did it mean? "My purpose," he whispered to himself. "How is this going to give me answers? What is my purpose?"
The music stopped. Orion's eyes were still fixated on the swirling snow. The silence was almost eerie.
And then it began to glow a radiant golden hue.
He jolted, startled by the bizarre and frankly unexplainable sight. He searched for his voice, but there was no one to talk to, no one to question but an inanimate object.
"Merry Christmas..."
The faint voice was instantly recognizable.
From the light, an image faded into view, still enveloped by the snowflakes. It was from earlier in the night at the center park -- him and Skylar, entangled in each other's arms, smiling. He could feel the warmth radiating from it, the love, the purpose.
Everything became clear.
"Everything I'm searching for... has been right in front of me the whole time."
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