The end of summer was a strangely melancholic time of year. It was the ending of summer breaks and family vacations, and the beginning of cheerful sunny days fading into cold, dying ones as the world prepared itself for winter. This summer had been particularly hot, and even in the very last days of August, the sun was still scorching. It was the perfect opportunity to send off the season with one last bang -- in this case, the pool party that Orion and Skylar were heading to.

The two were mid-conversation as they approached the Nightshades' backyard. It was a reasonably long trip from San Myshuno to Windenburg and back, but it was one that Orion had been looking forward to ever since they invited him.
"I know you've been kind of nervous about this, but I promise that my friends are going to love you," he said, walking through the threshold of the gate. "They're not judgmental or hostile. They're the nicest people I know."
"I know... I've only ever heard you say great things about your friends, but they aren't really just your friends, are they?" Skylar was smiling, but her nervousness was evident. "You said yourself that you see them more like family. It feels like you're introducing me to your family."
Orion smiled sheepishly. "Well... I guess you're not wrong. It's as close as it gets to meeting my family, at least. I think that... family doesn't really depend on blood, it depends on bonds. Amelia taught me that. She's adopted, but I've never seen siblings that love each other more than her and Alexander do. ...Actually, speaking of him, I should probably warn you that he's, um..."
"He's what?"
"...a really interesting person," he awkwardly finished. "One of a kind. You'll never meet another guy quite like him."
She laughed. "Well, now you're scaring me."
As they approached the poolside, three other people came into view. Skylar felt herself get a little tenser when their eyes all landed directly on her. They were smiling, they looked friendly, and according to Orion, she had no reasons to worry -- but she was far too used to being unfairly judged not to.
"Hey, Orion," Alexander was the first to speak, "is this the new girlfriend I've been hearing about?"
Amelia sighed. "Can you not embarrass him for at least the first five minutes he's here?"
"I'm just asking a question. It's a simple answer," he shrugged.
"U-Um, well... yeah, this is Skylar," Orion nervously stammered.
Skylar forced a smile and waved at the group. "Hi, it's nice to meet you..."
Alexander stood from the edge of the pool and approached them. "Well, she's not what I was imagining. I thought she was gonna be, like... a sexy babe in a bikini."
"Well, she was probably hoping you'd be a hot hunk in a speedo, but you're just some loser in ugly leopard-printed swim shorts," Amelia snickered, following after him.
Onyx sighed and sauntered behind her. "Please don't start bickering."
"Too late," Amelia said before turning her attention to Skylar. "Please don't take anything my brother says personally, he's stupid."
She laughed it off. "So I've heard."
"Wait, are you saying Orion told you I'm stupid?" Alexander feigned offense. "That's not true. I'm a scientist and scientists can't be stupid."
"You're an exception to the rule," Amelia teased.
Onyx looked exasperated before the afternoon had even gotten started.
"By the way, I really like your swimsuit. It's cute on you." Amelia smiled at Skylar. "You pull it off better than I could."
"You think so? Thanks." She returned the smile. "Orion helped me pick it."
Alexander's eyes widened. "Wait, dude, she let you give her swimsuit advice and you didn't go for a bikini?"
Orion shrugged. "No, I just went for something I thought she'd like...?"
"Okay, but what about something you like?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I like this one perfectly fine, and it doesn't matter anyway because I'm not the one wearing it."
"You're unbelievable."
"Hey, here's a fun idea. Let's change the subject to actually getting to know her instead of criticizing people's swimwear choices," Onyx said cheerfully, although it sounded more like a plea for people to act normal for once.
Amelia nodded. "Good idea. I still have to figure out if she's getting my approval."
"Guys, please don't worry too much. I promise she's really nice," Orion sighed. "You'll really like her."
"She'd better hope we do. I'm not letting you go through another Tiffany fiasco," Amelia's eyes narrowed and she glanced over at her. "One wrong move and you're dead. I mean it."
Orion frowned. "Amelia...!"
"Honey, you can't just threaten people's lives like that," Onyx said.
"It was just a friendly warning." Amelia returned to a cheerful smile. "If she's as nice as he says she doesn't have to worry about dying."
"That's comforting," Skylar mumbled.
As the time turned later and the afternoon grew hotter, the group found themselves lounging around lazily in an effort to beat the heat. Even despite the less than ideal weather, and the ever-so-slight sting when sunrays kissed her skin, Amelia found the day to be relaxing. Of course, anything was relaxing when a friend was babysitting your kid and you finally had a break from life's chaos.
The lighthearted chatter by the poolside gradually diminished to silence as everyone ran out of new subjects to discuss. Alexander seemed distracted long before the others grew silent, lost somewhere in a train of thought -- there was no telling what thoughts those were, and frankly, no one dared to ask.
"Hey, sorry I'm late!"
Alexander looked up at the source of the voice and conflicting feelings surfaced. His cheeks involuntarily flushed at the sight of Aurora in front of him, scantily clad in what he was sure had to have been the skimpiest bikini money could buy. If this was an attempt at getting his attention, it was working -- and he hated it. Chewing on his lower lip, he tried to form coherent words. "Hey," was all he could muster.
Aurora grinned. "I had to get Artie ready and that took up a bunch of time, then he started screaming when we got here and I tried to leave him with the babysitter and Kiera, so... I hope I haven't missed out on too much?"
"No, not at all," Amelia said. "Don't worry about being late. We haven't been doing much."
"Stop calling him Artie, it's stupid," Alexander grumbled.
"You're stupid." Aurora rolled her eyes and approached the pool. There was a slight hint of insecurity in the way she walked despite the fact that she tried to strut in the most confident way she could. She was trying to get Alexander's attention, that much was for sure, but at the same time she despised herself for wanting it. She reached for a rolled up beach towel and sprawled it across the ground before laying across it to lounge.
"So, who are those two?" she gestured in Orion and Skylar's direction with her eyes. "Friends of yours?"
"I'm Orion," Orion quickly stated, sounding excited. "You're Aurora, right? The girl that got Alexander pregnant?"
"That would be me. Orion is a charming name, by the way." Aurora winked.
"Wait, wait," Skylar sounded concerned. "The girl that got Alexander pregnant? Clearly I'm missing something here."
Alexander's eyebrows raised. "You're dating Orion and he hasn't even told you about the alien reproduction stuff? Is that like, a thing all aliens casually forget to mention?"
"I-I haven't mentioned it because it hasn't been relevant," Orion defended.
"What alien reproduction stuff?" Her tone shifted from concerned to downright disturbed.
"The fact that aliens can knock up everybody and get knocked up by everybody or however it goes."
"...are you trying to tell me I could get Orion pregnant?"
"A-Actually, I could only get pregnant by a male when it comes to non-aliens," Orion awkwardly corrected. "Aliens can get men and women of any species pregnant and become pregnant by males of any species, or female aliens."
Alexander grinned. "Don't forget the tentacles."
Skylar's eyes widened. "The what!?"
"N-Nothing!" Orion stammered.
Alexander continued on anyway. "Aliens have a reproductive tentacle. Kind of like an octopus, but--"
"This is a wonderful conversation for a pool party," Onyx nonchalantly added.
Alexander scowled. "Anyway, what I'm saying is that I birthed an entire baby like six weeks ago and it's Aurora's fault."
Skylar slowly nodded. "Uh... congratulations, I guess."
"Wait," Aurora snapped, "it takes two to make a baby, how is it my fault!?"
As the two bickered back and forth about who to blame for the baby, Skylar lowered herself into the pool with a heavy sigh. "This has been an interesting first meeting."
Orion chuckled. "If it helps, I think everyone likes you, at least. Try not to think too much of the chaos, it's always like this."
"Good to know." Skylar chuckled too. "Hey, do you want to get in the pool with me?"
"Um... actually, I-I don't really know how to swim..."
She frowned and glanced around. "Well, there's a floatie lounger over there. You could use that?"
"Yeah, I could..." He smiled slightly. "Could you help me get over to it?"
"Yeah, get in the pool and use me for support until we get there," she nodded.
Hesitantly, Orion lowered himself into the pool beside her. "J-Just don't let me drown or anything."
"Don't worry, I could never." Skylar wrapped her arms around him and pulled him away from the ledge. "Just don't let go of me."
"I-I won't." He blushed at their close proximity, but clung tightly to her as she swam over to the floatie.
When they arrived, he grabbed onto it and pulled himself out of the water. "Thanks," he said, sitting down to face her.
His white shirt was soaked to the point of becoming semi-transparent, and Skylar struggled not to let her eyes linger on him longer than they should have. "Y-You're welcome..."
Their eyes met and Orion's fingertips brushed against her cheek. "You look really beautiful today," he said softly.
Her face flushed. "Y-You don't have to compliment me for no reason..."
"It's not for no reason." Orion shifted to lay on his stomach. "It's because I want to."
"W-Well, you're way more beautiful," Skylar chuckled.
He shook his head, but he was beaming. "You're wrong. No one's more beautiful than you."
"Okay, stop, you're just exaggerating now..."
"Hey, get off me!" The other side of the pool had erupted into chaos, and as usual, Alexander and Amelia were the ones causing it. "I didn't say you could piggyback!"
"No thanks," Amelia laughed.
"I mean it, stop hitchhiking!" Alexander tried to wrestle her off of him, laughing just as much as she was. "If you don't, I'll kick you out of the pool!"
"Yeah? I'd like to see you try!"
"Those two are something else," Aurora said, seated on the nearby ledge beside Onyx. "It's funny how even adoptive siblings can be so... meant to be. Having a bond like that must be really special."
"Their bond is really special," Onyx agreed. "They're inseparable. Watching them on a daily basis makes me either wish I had a sibling or be grateful that I don't."
"I get what you mean. Honestly, I think I just..." She hesitated. "...I think about the whole concept of me being part of his -- your -- family... a lot, and it makes me sad that he won't let me... I've always wanted a family."
"Whether Alexander likes it or not, you are a part of the family now." He frowned. "Amelia and I really want to form a good friendship with you, and we already love Artemis. She's been excited about being an aunt. I guess being an uncle just makes me feel old somehow."
Aurora giggled. "Hey, at least you're not a grandpa... yet."
"Yet? For your information, I won't be one for a very long time."
"Don't say that. They grow up faster than you think..."
The sun would be setting in a few hours and the weather was already cooling down slightly as evening approached. The day was nearing it's end, but the laughter and splashing and overall tomfoolery had no end in sight.
"So, have you had fun?" Orion asked Skylar, resting his chin on his hand and watching the shenanigans happening in front of them.
"Yeah, today's been great," she replied. "I don't know if I have your friends' approval, but they have mine... mostly."
"Mostly?" He snickered. "Let me guess, you're not too sure about Alexander."
She raised an eyebrow. "Is anyone?"
"...Probably not."
Abruptly, there was a shriek that was shrill enough to combust everyone's eardrums as Aurora toppled off of Alexander's shoulders and into the water.
"Victory!" Amelia yelled, reaching down to high-five Onyx. "I'm the chicken champion!"
"Wait, you're the champion? What about me?" Onyx protested.
"You're just something for me to ride on. I'm the one on top." Amelia grinned.
He grumbled in response and carelessly dropped her back into the pool. Upon impact she disappeared under the surface, but quickly came back up wearing a sour expression. "Hey, what was that for!?" She whined, but noticed that he'd disappeared. "...Onyx? Where did you--"
Amelia yelped as he popped out of the water and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Don't scare me like that!"
Despite her complaint, they were both laughing. "What did you think I was? A shark?"
"No, I'm not that stupid. Besides, you don't bite nearly as hard as one," she teased.
"I could if you wanted me to," he mumbled.
"Wait, what--"
During the commotion, Orion and Skylar had made their way back to the edge of the pool. "I really hate to say this, but it's a long drive back to San Myshuno, so we should probably get going," Orion said, hoisting himself up out of the water. "Thanks for inviting us. It's been lots of fun."
"Yeah, I had a great time," Skylar nodded. "I'd love to hang out again."
Amelia frowned. "You guys have to leave already? But we rarely even get to see you..."
"We'll come back again soon, I promise." Orion smiled reassuringly.
"Honestly, I should probably get going too. The water's made me all pruny," Aurora fussed. "And, honestly, I'd love to get out of this swimsuit."
Alexander almost protested to that notion, but caught himself before he did and forced his mouth to stay shut.
While everyone else got out of the pool and prepared to part ways, Onyx and Amelia found themselves staying at the poolside, discussing the day and laughing at it's chaotic events. Bringing everyone together felt strangely right, as though their strings of fate were meant to intertwine. Maybe this was the start of friendships that last a lifetime -- and the strengthening of bonds that had already been.
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