Nightshade: A SimLit | Chapter 24: A Night to Remember

The soft sound of bat wings flapping didn't disturb Amelia's sleep as Onyx flew through her open window. He landed gracefully, back in his regular form, and smiled as he saw her sound asleep. 'I almost hate to wake her up, but...' 


She stirred at the sound of his voice, climbing out of bed once she realized who it was. "Hey, Onyx," she said quietly, feeling a little confused. "I thought you told me earlier you wouldn't be here tonight..."

"I changed my mind," Onyx said with a warm smile, taking her hand in his.

She blushed as Onyx planted a kiss on the back of her hand before looking back up at her with a flirtatious grin. 

"I came here to ask you on a date... if you'd like to go?" Onyx's voice trailed off.

Amelia gasped. "A date!? Really?"

"Really," he replied. 

"Where are we going?" she asked enthusiastically as he let go of her hand. 

"You'll see," was his only reply.

The room was silent for a moment before Amelia suddenly realized something. "Um... Onyx... I can't go in my pajamas. I need to change clothes..." a blush was spreading across her face as she continued. 

Onyx felt his cheeks heating up. "Oh, um, right, I guess I should..."

"Just... um..." she stammered. "Turn around and don't look, okay?"

He nodded quickly. "Right. Of course."

Onyx turned around and Amelia stared reluctantly at the clothes hanging on the racks in front of her. 'This is so awkward...' she thought before glancing at him. 'But I trust him. He won't look.' She stepped forward and took a deep breath, stripping herself of her pajamas and blushing more when she remembered that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. She bit her lower lip nervously, glancing over at Onyx again before beginning to get dressed. 

Onyx stared at the curtain in front of him, expressionless and looking for a distraction, mentally noting the texture of the fabric. He figured his cheeks might have been nearly as red as his eyes. The thought to turn and look didn't even cross his mind as he listened to the shuffling of clothes behind him. He hoped she couldn't sense his embarrassment, knowing it would only make the situation even more awkward.

"You can turn around now..." Amelia managed to say.

Onyx turned around to look and smiled. "You look great, Amelia."

Her cheeks were still beet red as she smiled. "Thanks... you do, too... alright, um, fly out the window and I'll meet you at the front door, okay?"

He nodded and transformed into a bat again, flying outside into the cold, frigid air.

Amelia met him outside, as promised, and began to walk down the stairs leading to the sidewalk. "So you really won't tell me where we're going?"

"I'm not telling you!" Onyx laughed. "The taxi, technically. We're going to a taxi."

"Come on, not even one little hint?" Amelia pried. 

Onyx shook his head. "You're stubborn, huh? Actually, when we get on the taxi, I'm making you close your eyes."

"That's not fair!" Amelia laughed.

The taxi pulled up and he approached, opening the door for her. "Ladies first, right?"

She grinned playfully. "I can open doors myself," she said and stepped into the taxi, scooting down to the innermost seat to make room for Onyx to get in. "...but thanks."

He sat beside her and reached for her hand, holding it snugly as the taxi began to drive away. "Alright, close your eyes."

Amelia sighed, but obediently closed her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. The taxi was warm and the feeling of Onyx's hand on hers was relaxing, and she found herself drifting to sleep...


"Amelia, we're here," Onyx said softly.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him. "I fell asleep?"

Onyx chuckled. "Yes, you did. Okay... keep your eyes closed and I'll lead you up to the building... don't open them until I say so, okay?"

She nodded and closed her eyes. She heard him open the taxi door, still holding onto her hand as he lead her out of the vehicle. She followed behind him as he slowly lead her closer...

Satisfied with where they were standing, Onyx let go of her hand. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Amelia's eyes opened and she lit up with a gasp.

"The Casbah Art Gallery!?" Amelia exclaimed. "Onyx, no way... I've always wanted to come here! Even though we live right outside San Myshuno, mom never brought me... I never understood, because it's such a short drive from Newcrest... but she always told me it was a waste of time."

"So you like it?" he asked, a little more nervously than he would like to admit.

Amelia beamed at him. "I love it! I can't wait to get inside!" She grabbed onto his hand and raced forward. "Come on, let's go!"

Onyx laughed as he was pulled along. "Slow down, the art isn't going to get up and walk away!"

She stared in awe as she entered the main gallery. "Onyx, look at all of this amazing art..."

Before he could reply she raced forward to the painting ahead of her and he followed.

"Look at this one! The colors perfectly compliment each other, and the flower petals are so delicately painted... it's so abstract, but yet it makes perfect sense..."

"Right," Onyx nodded and smiled sweetly at her. 'I have no idea what she's talking about... maybe I should start taking art lessons...'

"Wait! Onyx, look at that one!" she pointed and scurried off again. He scrambled after her in an attempt to keep up, giggling a little at her excitement.

As they stood in front of the next painting, Amelia reached for Onyx's hand as she spoke. "It's simple, but beautiful."

As she stepped away to start off toward the next painting, Onyx spoke up. "It's not as beautiful as you."

She blushed. "You... you really think so?"

 "No. I know so. Now, let's go upstairs and look at the sculptures, shall we?"

Amelia nodded silently as they headed upstairs, rendered a little speechless from his compliment. It wasn't like he hadn't complimented her before, but this time... it felt different.

"This is a really amazing statue," Amelia said

"It's a naked lady's torso..." Onyx replied, puzzled.

Amelia blushed. "Yeah, but... but don't you see how artfully crafted it is?  The sculptor paid attention to every last detail..."

His cheeks heated up. "Y-Yes, it is very... detailed..."

Amelia laughed and turned to walk into the next room. "Hey, Onyx, look at these tapestries and scrolls...!"

"They're very colorful," Onyx said as he entered the room and gazed up at the artwork. 

Amelia nodded and looked over at the bench behind them. "My feet are getting a little tired... mind if we sit down for a minute?"

"No, not at all. Besides, this is the end of the gallery anyway... we can spend a little more time before we head back." Onyx replied and walked over to the bench. They both sat down and looked at more artwork in front of them. 

"So... how did you like the date?" Onyx asked. 

"Onyx, it was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better date." Amelia said before grinning up at him. "This was definitely a night to remember."


  1. LOVE that pose in the last two pics... and especially the second to last pic. It's beautifully captured! God, how I love me some Amelia and Onyx. <3 Such an absolute OTP.

    1. The last two shots in this chapter are still some of my favorites in this simlit so far. Honestly wish I'd had me some reshade and edited these... man, they would have been beautiful. And hey, if they're your OTP, I'll go ahead and let you know their official ship name is Amelyx. ;)

  2. I wanted to read all of this part of your story before I commented anymore :). I really like the story so far and how you make it realistic w/ a bit of supernatural to it. I am wondering when these two will seal the deal. I feel sad that her mom is so hateful but in reality look at the shape of our country currently.

    1. Yes, that's exactly the parallel that I intended. There's so much hate in real life, so this fantasy world isn't really so different from our own. I'm really glad you like it so far!


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