Nightshade: A SimLit | Chapter 59: Never Be Alone

Another summer was quickly approaching. To Alexander, it felt as though he had lived through endless warm nights. But this one was different; he was spending it with Aurora, who he rarely got to see. She occasionally returned to learn more about the human world from him, and he told her everything she wanted to know. Over time, their conversations grew into something more than meaningless chatter. They'd found a private, quiet place nestled in a wooded area of Willow Creek, not far from his home, that she now took him to when they met up. The UFO was always parked out of sight, and no one ever discovered their secret friendship. Often, many months were between their visits, so he'd grown to look forward to nights like this one.

"It's been great seeing you again," Aurora said with an evident hesitance in her voice, already dreading their goodbyes, "but you should really get going before she notices you're gone..."
Alexander nodded. "Yeah, I guess... but I really didn't want to leave so soon. It's been what, three months since we got to see each other?"
She sighed. "I think so... but there isn't really much else to talk about, right? I'm starting to run out of questions."

"Well," Alexander began, a smile tugging on the corners of his lips, "I've told you so much you wanted to know over the time we've spent together. Before I go... can I ask you just one favor in return?"
"I thought my favor was not experimenting on you," she playfully replied. "I don't usually do favors. But for you... of course."
He couldn't disguise his smile now. "Tell me something that I want to know about."
"And that is...?"

Aurora frowned and crossed her arms, a bit self-consciously. "Me? Sorry, but... I don't talk about myself. And I'm a long story. Too long. You really need to head home and so do I."
"Oh," he frowned. "Alright. I understand. You probably have a family to get home to, right?"
He was met with silence as her gaze fell to the grass underneath her feet.

"I don't have a family," she quietly said. "I never have, and I guess I never will."
Alexander's heart sank. "What do you mean?"
He could feel her hesitance in the atmosphere as she considered opening up to him. Finally, she began her explanation. "Alright. You want me to tell you about myself, so... as much as I want to spare you the sob story of my past..."
"No," he interrupted. "Please, go ahead. I want to hear it."
Aurora nodded. "If you insist..."
And with that, she dug deep inside of her for the courage to relive her memories.

"I don't know anything about my parents or family. Who they were, why they didn't want me... it's always been a mystery to me. All I know is that I was unwanted by my parents and I was sent to a children's home on Sixam as soon as I was born. My earliest memories are there, the place that I grew up in. None of the other adoptable children seemed to like me much, but the staff had high hopes that despite me being a misfit, I would find a loving family and live a happy life."

"But years passed, and I never did. I spent most of my time in solitude, watching as the other children found homes, but never me. Yet I still held onto the hope that someday, someone would want me. I had nothing; the only thing I wanted was love."

"By the time I was a teenager, everyone had given up hope for me. I was told that I would... probably never be adopted. I watched families pass me by while insisting they wanted a younger child, that I was too old, too damaged... but I managed to find contentment in the younger children that stayed there, who ended up becoming the closest thing to family I'd ever have."

"But time and time again, they were all adopted and I was left behind to mourn the loss of the only comfort I had. Every time, it ended the same way. I would cry myself to sleep at night when I remembered just how alone I was in the world..."

"...and even now, I'm still just as lonely." A tear rolled down her cheek. The only sound left was the wind blowing through her hair and a soft sob that escaped her lips.

Alexander carefully wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders, struggling to hold back his own tears. "I'm so sorry..."
"Once I was an adult, I was left on my own," Aurora shakily continued. "I managed to get a job as a science assistant and climbed the ladder from there. I had nothing. I still don't..."
"Hey, that's not true," Alexander said softly. "You don't have to be alone anymore, Aurora. I'm here for you, and I always will be. I promise..."

Her tears began to dry as she furrowed her eyebrows and turned away from him harshly. "Yeah, right. Men never keep their promises."
"What makes you think that?" He frowned, leaning closer to her. "I would never--"
"You would never hurt me," Aurora finished the sentence for him. "That's what they all say, and they never mean it. I've been down that road, Alexander. When you're lonely, you're desperate. I've been desperate too many times... I can't ever seem to find friends, but men look at me like a prize; one I let them win so easily, because it takes away the loneliness for a little while. But it never takes away the pain. It only intensifies it as their true nature reveals itself. They only want me for my body, for someone to use or to abuse... so what do you see in me if it isn't for your benefit? Am I really something to you, or am I a fool to let myself believe it?"

Alexander silently wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "You are my benefit."
Somehow, she couldn't help relaxing into his touch, but said nothing.
"Your friendship is beneficial to me," he continued. "You're a great person, and I really care about you. If you believe that men never keep their promises, I won't promise. I'll swear. I'll never hurt you, and as long as I'm here, you'll never be alone. Trust me, Aurora."
There was no hesitance left in her. "...I do. I trust you."

Slowly, she leaned closer to him until her head rested on his shoulder, and wrapped an arm around his torso. Warmth filled her body; her heart felt full. For the first time in her life, she didn't feel alone.
Hi, I came here nosing around on a recommendation from the forums and spent the afternoon glut reading this. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed it and thank you for an entertaining read. Happy Simming